Applying for a cadastral extract by post

Unable to apply for the cadastral extract online via MyMinfin? You can still do so by post. But we no longer deliver cadastral extracts at the counter. Find out which form is needed, how to fill it in and where to send it to.

Submitting the application

Would you like to apply for the cadastral extract by post instead of online via MyMinfin? We will guide you step by step.

  1. Download the application form: Dutch | French | German (form 434).
  2. Fill in the form.
  3. Send the form to the appropriate department.

By email to or by post to:

FPS Finance - AAPD Call Desk & Production
Koning Albert II-laan 33/471
1030 Brussels (Belgium)

We will send you a transfer form with the amount to be paid.

The cadastral extract can only be sent to you after payment has been made:

If you have submitted the application on behalf of your employer, you must be assigned the appropriate role by your employer to be able to consult the document in MyMinfin: 'FOD FIN Aanstelling Eigen Onderneming | Patrimoniuminformatie' ('FPS FIN Appointment Own Company | Patrimonial Information').

The role 'FPS FIN Appointment Own Company | Patrimonial Information' can be accessed via the 'Uitnodigingen beheren' ('Manage Invitations') field in the drop-down menu with all available roles. More information on role assignments.

The application form

The application form for a cadastral extract is made up of six boxes.

Box 1: applicant

This box shows:

  • who the applicant is,
  • and to whom the invoice and requested documents may be sent (= the customer).

The applicant is the person who effectively completes the form. This is always a natural person.

Always complete this section in full with your first name, surname, national registration number and phone number and/or email address so that we can reach you if we have any questions about your application.

As an applicant, you can submit an application:

  • for yourself (point A);
  • as a representative of another natural person (point B);
  • as a self-employed person, legal person or representative of a legal person (point C).

Indicate only one of those three options.

The customer is the person whose details are entered in point A, B or C of this section. The customer will always receive the invoice and extracts.

  • If you indicate 'A', the application is submitted for yourself. You are then the applicant and the customer.
  • If you submit an application on behalf of another person (B) or as a self-employed person or as a representative of a legal person (C), the invoice and information will be sent to the natural or legal person whose details are entered here. In both cases, you are the applicant, and the other person (B) or legal person (C) is the customer.

Attention: if the legal person for which the extract is requested (C) consists of several business units, you have to enter the number of the business unit at the address where you want to receive the invoice and the extract.

If the company/business unit has an SAP number, you should also enter it here. It will then be used in the invoicing process.

The address where to send the invoice and documents will be determined by means of the national register number for natural persons, and by means of the business unit number or company number for legal persons.

We can send the documents only to the address linked to those numbers (national register number, company number or business unit number). Therefore, be sure to fill in these fields, otherwise we will have to consider your application incomplete and reject it.

Are you not registered in the Belgian National Register or the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises? In this case, you have to attach a copy of a proof of identity (e.g. passport) and your address details to your application.

As an applicant, you can provide your own reference in the optional 'Your reference' field at the top of the box. For technical reasons, this field is limited to 30 characters. The reference will appear on both your invoice and the extract.

Box 2: delivery

The use of languages is strictly regulated by the law of 18 July 1966 on the use of languages in administrative matters.

You can also choose the delivery method of the extract.

Box 3: the extract is about

This box indicates the link between the customer and the property(ies) covered by the application and meets the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. Select one of the options below:

  • Own property: Check this box for an application about your own property or the property of the organisation/person you represent (B or C in box 1). You can then proceed to box 4.
  • Property belonging to a person or organisation other than those listed under B or C: For this option, enter the national register number or the company number of the owner of the property in question.

Please note: The choice 'Unknown' is accepted only for the following justifications (box 5):

  • Judicial investigation
  • Recovery of debts/seizure of property/objection
  • On behalf of a public institution

Please note to always state the national registration number or company number of the natural person or legal person to whom the property belongs, otherwise we have to consider the application incomplete and refuse it.

Box 4: property(ies) in question

This box contains the identification details of the property. Here you can indicate the parcel details (municipality, division, section and parcel number) and/or the address or location of the property.

If your application involves several parcels, you can also add the details of those parcels in an annex to the application. This can be in the form of an Excel list, a Word document or a pdf file.

The ‘Additional information' field is an optional field that allows you to enter additional information such as the nature of the property. This could facilitate identification of the property.

The optional field ‘Site sketch attached?’ allows you to indicate whether or not you are attaching a sketch to your application, e.g. a sketch made by yourself or a printout from the cadastral map.

You do not need to fill in box 4 if you are requesting the full property list of an owner specified in box 3.

Box 5: justification

It is mandatory to fill in this box. Only the justifications mentioned in the list may be used.

  • Preparing a deed: This justification may be used by notaries, real estate agents, but also, for example, by banks for a renewal or extension of a mortgage registration.
  • Report of demarcation: This justification is strictly reserved for surveyors.
  • Handling an estate: This justification is used to request cadastral data of a specific person for the purpose of handling their estate.
  • Problem with adjacent property: With this justification, you can only request the following extracts:
    • a list of co-owners in an apartment building;
    • the details of the parcel(s) adjacent to your property(ies).
  • Urban planning/environment: This justification allows you to obtain extracts relating to urban planning permits, but also for land and environmental surveys (e.g. soil surveys).
  • Sale under VAT regime: This justification allows you to have extracts issued in order to obtain a certificate for the sale of a new building under the VAT system.
  • Private use (own property): This justification allows you to obtain extracts relating to your own property (see box 3).
  • Partial refund of registration duties: This justification allows you to have extracts issued in order to obtain a certificate to apply for a refund of registration duties already paid.
  • Judicial investigation: This justification is reserved for police, court, judicial experts and similar professions. For this justification it is not mandatory to indicate the national register number of the owner of the property in box 3.
  • Recovery of debts/seizure of property/objection: This justification is only possible for an application by:
    • a bailiff
    • a public institution (public centre for social welfare, intermunicipal cooperative society, municipality ...)
    • a distribution company (water, gas, electricity)
    • an association for hunting (as part of the implementation of hunting rights)
      In this case it is not mandatory to indicate the national register number of the owner of the property in box 3. Tax data will not be delivered.
  • On behalf of a public institution: This justification is reserved exclusively for public institutions and companies working on behalf of a public administration. In this case it is not mandatory to indicate the national register number of the owner of the property in box 3.

Box 6: cadastral data requested

This box contains the items that can be delivered and their prices.

You can indicate whether you want to receive the most recent state or the state on 1 January (of the current tax year).

Available items
  • Co-owners in an apartment building: This is a complete list of all co-owners in an apartment building. A selection from these is not possible. Cadastral data is delivered without mentioning the cadastral income. 
  • Owner details of a specific cadastral parcel (not mentioning the cadastral income): This choice allows you to receive the owner details of the requested property. 
  • Owner details of a specific cadastral parcel (not mentioning the cadastral income) and of the adjacent cadastral parcels: This choice allows you to receive the owner details of the requested property, with the addition of the owners of the properties immediately adjacent to it.
  • Owner details of a specific cadastral parcel (not mentioning the cadastral income) and of the cadastral parcels within a radius of 50 m/100 m/200 m/500 m: This choice allows you to receive the owner details of the requested property, with the addition of the owner details of the properties within a radius of 50, 100, 200 or 500 m (according to your choice). The radius is calculated from the boundaries of the chosen property, and not from its centre.
  • Certificate declaring that the cadastral income has not yet been determined: This is a document showing that the cadastral income of the property in question has not yet been determined.
  • Certificate of cadastral income for a partial refund of registration duties: This is a document you can use to apply for a partial refund of registration fees. The extract also shows the date of service of the property if that date is after May 2015.
  • Certificate of cadastral income for the transfer of a new building under the VAT system: This document states that a property has not yet been occupied.
  • Full property list of the applicant or a third party mentioning or not mentioning the cadastral income: This is a full list of an owner's properties. A selection from these is not possible.
  • Partial property list of the applicant or a third party mentioning or not mentioning the cadastral income: This type of extract contains a partial list of the properties of a natural or legal person. 
  • Valuation sheet: This is a physical description of the property. You can request this information only if you are the owner of the property (or the authorised representative).
  • Mutation sketch/per sketch: The mutation sketch is a document showing the physical change(s) that have taken place at the level of the cadastral map. Always mention a period or year of change and the reason why you need the sketch (historical research, regularising renovations ...). This will help us to search for the correct information in our archives.
  • History of a cadastral map or cadastral parcel based on mutation sketches: The mutation sketch is a document showing the physical change(s) that have taken place at the level of the cadastral map. The history gives an overview of successive mutation sketches relating to the development of a parcel.
  • List of coordinates of a land consolidation: This choice allows you to receive a list of topographical points and their coordinates of a land consolidation.

Indicate the date on the document and sign it. If the date or signature is missing, we will have to refuse the application.