Cadastral extract: finding the right parcel
Selecting a parcel
How can I select a parcel?
There are four ways to select a parcel.
It is possible that not all selection options are available. This depends on the item you have selected. For example, you can only obtain the list of adjacent parcels by selecting the source parcel on the map.
Special case: when you select the full property list, all parcels of the specified owner will automatically be selected.
1. Through the list of properties
This method automatically generates a list of parcels owned by yourself or by the person you have entered. You can select a parcel from that list.
2. Through the address
If you want to select a parcel based on the address, you will first need to choose a location (name of the municipality), a street name and a house number. Next you can choose a parcel from the list of results.
This method can only be used for developed parcels. Vacant parcels cannot be found in this way.
Not all submunicipalities are included in the list. In that case, enter the name of the main municipality.
For a street name, you can enter part of the name and then click on 'Search'.
3. Through the cadastral parcel number
- You have to enter the cadastral division (in digits), the section and land number.
- Optionally, you can enter a bis number, a letter exponent, a number exponent and a partition. Fill in as many of those optional fields as possible to narrow down and refine the search results.
- You can then choose a parcel from the list of search results.
4. Through the map
This only works with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge (not with Microsoft Internet Explorer).
Selecting a parcel on the map is only possible if you want to apply for the owner details of adjacent parcels or in a radius around a parcel.
- After the map has opened, click on the icon on the right. A sidebar will open where you will see ‘Ruimtelijke analyse’ ('Spatial analysis') in the Dutch version. Clicking on the arrow to the right of it, will further open this menu.
- You will see that, depending on the item selected, a default selection has already been made. It is not possible to change this here.
- You can select the parcel you want to start from either by clicking it or via the Capakey (format: 12345A1111/00B222). That Capakey can be found in CadGIS or, for your own property, in the 'Mijn onroerende gegevens raadplegen' ('Consult my immovable property data’) section in MyMinfin.
- Choose the parcel selection method by clicking the appropriate bullet. When selecting via 'click', you need to zoom in on the map and select the parcel by clicking on it. If you want to use the Capakey, enter the Capakey in the field provided.
- Then click on 'Bevestigen' ('Confirm').
- At the top of the results list, click 'export MyMinfin' to send the selected parcels (which you can check on the map) back to MyMinfin.
Why can’t I find the parcel I want to select?
If the parcel you are looking for has been modified recently, you should check the situation that has been selected. You can choose between the tax situation on 1 January of this year and the most recent situation (the data available to us on the day of the application).
If you cannot find the parcel by changing the situation, several scenarios are possible, depending on the selection method you have chosen.
1. Through the property list
If your parcel is not listed as the property of the person you have entered, it means that this person is not the owner of that particular parcel according to our database.
This can happen if the parcel has been sold or transferred by inheritance, for example, and our records have not yet been updated.
You can try again later to request a cadastral extract online.
2. Through the address
If the address you have entered does not return a corresponding parcel, you can try to select the parcel in another way. For example, you can click directly on the map or enter the cadastral number.
3. Through the cadastral parcel number
If the cadastral parcel number you have entered does not exist in the most recent situation or in the tax situation (the situation as at 1 January of the year), please contact us via the help form in MyMinfin. To do so, click on 'Een vraag stellen' ('Ask a question') at the top right of the section 'Een kadastraal uittreksel aanvragen' ('Applying for a cadastral extract').
4. Through the map
The parcel plan is complete for the whole of Belgium. If the situation on the parcel plan does not match your search, please contact us via the help form in MyMinfin. To do so, click on 'Ask a question' at the top right of the section 'Applying for a cadastral extract'.
What if the property for which I want an extract, covers several cadastral parcels?
In that case you currently need to request several extracts to get all the information.
We are working to improve that.
If the parcels are your own property, the extracts are free if you request them on MyMinfin.
Understanding the search results
How do I read the search results of a parcel?
The list of results always shows the same structure in three lines, regardless of how you have selected the parcel.
12345A1111/00B222 - P0001 - HOUSE
A5/CL/K9-G912345A1111/00B222 - P0001 - HOUSE
The first line consists of the cadastral number, the partition number and the cadastral nature.
The cadastral number '12345A1111/00B222' consists of:
- the cadastral division (the 5 first digits)
- the section (1 letter)
- the land number (4 digits)
- the bis number, if any (the 2 digits following '/')
- a letter exponent (1 letter)
- a number exponent , if any (3 digits)
If a parcel requires more precise identification (mainly for apartment buildings), the cadastral parcel number is divided into several partitions (the 4 digits following P).
Please note that the cadastral nature is not necessarily related to the urban characteristics of the property.
The second line indicates the location of the property:
- In the case of developed parcels this is the address: postal code, municipality, street name and (house) number.
- In the case of undeveloped/vacant parcels you will find the name of the municipality and a general location here.
The third line shows:
- a detail code for flats
- or a designation given by the notary in the basic deed (or co-ownership regulations)
In this example, 'A5/CG/C9-G9' means flat, 5th floor, centre left, cellar 9, garage 9.
What is the significance of the flat detail code?
The detail code provides additional information on the location of a flat (or a room such as a cellar or garage) in an apartment building.
Below are some of the most commonly used abbreviations and a few more examples.
Abbreviations for the nature of the property
- A. entirety, mainly serving residential purposes (apartment building, flat, etc.)
- B: storage space
- BU: entirety, mainly intended for offices
- G: garage
- HA: entirety, mainly intended for commercial purposes
- K: cellar (pantry, coal cellar, etc.) or storage room and any other underground room used as a storage space
- KA: separate room
- M: attic room (mansard) and any similar room on the top floor, regardless of its intended use
- P: parking place
- S: standing place
- T: garden
- VITR: show window
Abbreviations for the levels or floors
- OG2: underground level -2
- OG1: underground level -1
- OG: single underground level
- GV: ground floor
- TV: intermediate floor
- BE: main floor
- 1: first floor
- 2: second floor
- 3: third floor
- …
Abbreviations for the location on the level (from front view)
- /L/: left
- /R/: right
- /C/: centre
- /CL/: centre left
- /CR/: centre right
- /VK/: front
- /AK/: back
- /VK.L/: front left
- /VK.R/: front right
- …
- G.GV / 12 / is a garage on the ground floor, number 12.
- A5 / CL / K9-G9 is a flat on the fifth floor, centre left, with cellar number 9 and garage number 9.
- A4 / R9 / K9 is a flat on the fourth floor, right number 9, with cellar number 9.
- BU3 / 73 / K73.75 is an office on the third floor, number 73, with cellars number 73 and 75.
- A5 / 52 / K52 @ 54 – G52 – M52 is a flat on the fifth floor, number 52, with cellars number 52 to 54, garage number 52 and attic room number 52.
How do I distinguish between parcels if they have the same parcel number?
The partition number is the main identifier for distinguishing two parcels that have the same cadastral number.
The 'Detail' field can also help, but should be used with caution. This information may also appear for different parcels.